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How to install the runtime ?


The runtime requires Python 3.10 or later and the following packages: setup-tools in version 61.0.0 or later.

Check the Python version

Check if you have the correct version of Python installed. To do this, open a terminal and run the following command:

on Windows:

py --version

on Linux:

python3 --version

Check the setup-tools package

Check if you have the setup-tools package installed. To do this, open a terminal and run the following command:

on Windows:

py -m ensurepip --upgrade
pip show setuptools

on Linux:

python3 -m ensurepip --upgrade
pip show setuptools

If the package is not installed, you can install it with the following command:

pip install setuptools

If the package is installed, but not up to date, you can update it with the following command:

pip install --upgrade setuptools

Install the runtime

To install the runtime, you can use the following command:

pip install lemniscat-runtime

Debug with VS Code

To debug your manifest with Visual Studio Code, you need to :

  1. At the root of your project create a folder .vscode
  2. Add a launch.json file and write this content :
        // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
        // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
        // For more information, visit:
        "version": "0.2.0",
        "configurations": [
                "name": "PowerShell: lem STG",
                "type": "PowerShell",
                "request": "launch",
                "script": "${workspaceRoot}/.vscode/run.ps1",
                "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
                "args": [
                    "<path to manifest.yml>",
                    "'[\"<path to config1.json>\", \"<path to config2.json>\", <...>]'",
                    "<path to output.json>",
                    "'{ \"appName\": \"sampl4\", \"scopeType\": \"developer\", \"developerEmail\": \"\", \"teamName\": \"\", \"instanceCode\": \"1\", <...> }'",
  3. In launch.json replace content <> with your specific paths or values.
  4. Add a run.ps1 file and write this content :
        [string]$verbose = "DEBUG",
        [string]$outputPath = "outputContext.json",
    $env:ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID= "<subscriptionid>"
    $env:ARM_TENANT_ID= "<tenantid>"
    $env:ARM_CLIENT_ID= "<clientid>"
    $env:ARM_CLIENT_SECRET= "<clientsecret>"
    python -m pip install lemniscat.runtime>=0.5.2
    lem -m $manifest -s $steps -c $configFiles -v $verbose -o $outputPath -x $extraParams

Setup virtual environment

I advise creating a virtual environment if you don't want to have conflicts between your python packages. For this I suggest you use Venv.

Before creating your virtual environment, in the .vscode folder create the requirements.txt file and add the following content:


Then, in Vscode, do Ctrl+Shift+P then search for Python: Create Environment... At creation time, it will ask you to define the requirements file.

Afterwards, you just have to do an F5 and off you go!