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A powershell plugin for lemniscat


This plugin allows you to run powershell commands and scripts in your lemniscat pipeline.



In order to use this plugin, you need to add plugin into the required section of your manifest file.

  - name: lemniscat.plugin.powershell
    version: 0.2.0

Running powershell commands

- task: powershell
  displayName: 'Powershell'
    - run
    type: inline
    script: |
      $name = "Philippe"
      Write-Host "Hello $name"

Running powershell script

- task: powershell
  displayName: 'Powershell'
    - run
    type: file
    filePath: ${{ workingdirectory }}/scripts/Hello.ps1
      name: ${{ username }}

Running powershell commmands and pass variables through json file

[!NOTE] This feature is particulary recommand when you need to manipulate complexe variable with your task. You can access to the variables in the json file by using the following command:

$location = Get-Location
$variables = Get-Content "$($location.path)/vars.json" | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 100
- task: powershell
  displayName: 'Powershell'
    - run
    type: inline
    script: |
      $location = Get-Location
      $variables = Get-Content "$($location.path)/vars.json" | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 100
      $version = az --version
      Write-Host "Azure CLI version: $version"
      format: json
      withSecrets: false



  • type: The type of the command to run. It can be inline or file
  • script: The script to run. It can be a powershell command line. It is used only if type is inline
  • filePath: The path of the powershell script file (*.ps1) to run. It is used only if type is file
  • fileParams: The parameters to pass to the powershell script file. It is used only if type is file
  • storeVariablesInFile: Describe the way to store the variables in a file to used in the task.


  • format: The format of the file to store the variables. It can be json or yaml
  • withSecrets: A boolean value to indicate if the secrets should be stored in the file. It can be true or false


You can push variables to the lemniscat runtime in order to be used after by other tasks. To do that, you need to use Write-Host command in your powershell script to push variables to the lemniscat runtime. You must use the following format to push variables to the lemniscat runtime: [lemniscat.pushvar] <variableName>=<variableValue>

For example:

Write-Host "[lemniscat.pushvar] workspaceExist=$workspaceExist"

You can specify the sensitivity of the variable by adding secret like this : [lemniscat.pushvar.secret] <variableName>=<variableValue>

For example:

Write-Host "[lemniscat.pushvar.secret] storageAccountKey=$storageAccountKey"

By default all variable are considered as string. If you want to specify the type of the variable, you can add the type after the variable name like this: [lemniscat.pushvar(<variableType>)] <variableName>=<variableValue>

variableType can be string, int, bool, float, json (for complexe object)

For example:

Write-Host "[lemniscat.pushvar(int)] numberOfFiles=$numberOfFiles"